Our exam preparation is structured within our programs. Students prepare for exams during the delivery cycle.
We want you to not only demonstrate the skills that are required, but the psychology behind the expectation of industry best practices in understanding the correct response. There’s more then one way to get to a solution in the tech environment however, vendor exams are looking for the correct answer based on best practices. Our instructors are certified in the fields they teach and have a minimum of 5- 8 years of technical and training experience. We know what it takes to succeed, and students therefore prep for industry exams in a sequential process. This means you prep for the exam for the course you are presently taking, and you take that exam at course completion, not after you have completed your program. A retake is included in our programs. However, we prepare you to exceed on your first attempt. Therefore, students are required to take their exams when suggested by our staff.